
Hi!! I'm jom, and welcome to Good Luck to the Japanese Luchadores (or GL2JL for short). This is a site dedicated to the Japanese wrestlers who sent themselves to Mexico to begin their wrestling careers in the world of lucha libre.

Who are these guys?? Why should I care??

These questions are why this website exists!!! A handful of Japanese luchadores have gone on to become big names in Japan or Mexico, but many have been lost to time, spending only a few years as a wrestler before unceremoniously hanging up their boots and abandoning their masks. Others are still active today, but only in low level independents where nobody even knows they exist. I've always been really fascinated by Japanese luchadores, people willing to take such a big risk as to fly to a country with a language and culture entirely unfamiliar to them, tracking down gyms to recieve training in the style they love, and spending years toiling away on potentially multiple independent scenes. A lot of them are also really cool and should be more well known!!! Hopefully this website can help out with that, at least a little bit :)

Okay, so where's Toryumon?

They'll be here eventually (maybe). My biggest focus for now is covering luchadores who went through the journey on their own and recieved their original training in Mexico. I plan to add pages for Toryumon in the future.

What's with the website name???

I was inspired to start this project by an old Japanese website called "Ganbare! Nihonjin Luchador". You can probably guess from the title, but the site was also focused on Japanese luchadores, and provided news about them while they were still in Mexico. GL2JL borrows liberally from GNL, so I decided to name the project after it.

You should definitely check the site out!! It's really awesome. Here's a link to an archived version of it: Ganbare! Nihonjin Luchador
