
Other Names: Harakiri Hakata

Real Name: Jun Kaneka

Debut: May 2nd, 1993

Status: Active

Theme Song: Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the Moon

Signature Moves: Saint Splash, Brainbuster, Azteca Clutch

Recommended Match: Azteca vs. Diablo (KAGEKI 6/23/2002)

Personal Thoughts: Azteca's pretty cool!! He's a solid hand on any show. At his best, he's a pretty convincing mid-tier top guy. Is he my favorite wrestler ever? Absolutely not. Still, he's someone I enjoy watching, and any time his name appears on a card it makes me happy. I wish we had more footage of his actual work in Mexico, since it seems like he was only there to get trained and wrestle for a few months before returning to Japan. He did inexplicably show up in the country in 2013 to team with Dragon Yuki, but all we have from that match is less than a minute of the finishing stretch. Tragic, but that's how the wind tends to blow.

GIF Selection:

Saint Splash
Azteca Clutch
