
Other Names: Guerrero Diablo, Akuma, Fujiyama Demon, Hakata Blabla

Real Name: Hideki Ogiso

Debut: September 23rd, 1994

Status: Active

Theme Song: Steve Vai - There's A Fire In The House

Signature Moves: Diablo Driver, BJ Bomb, Akuma Neck Bullet

Recommended Match: Diablo vs. Shigeo Kato (Mutoha 2/5/2017)

Personal Thoughts: One of my favorite indie heels of all time. The Steve Vai theme is incredibly fitting with all the sirens and gunshots. Diablo is a real bastard, throwing stiff strikes and hitting big bombs while also constantly going for eye rakes and nut shots. He's also a big fan of the chain which gives him bonus points for me since I love chain usage in wrestling. He wrestled barely any in Mexico but he's faced his trainer Solar in KAGEKI. One of the true stalwarts of the Japanese indie scene.

GIF Selection:

Diablo Driver
BJ Bomb
Akuma Neck Bullet
