
Other Names: none

Real Name: Kazutaka Kobayashi

Debut: December 26th, 1993

Status: Retired on February 28th, 1999

Theme Song: Fey - Muevelo

Signature Moves: Pumphandle Reverse Piledriver, Rolling Solebutt, Swan Dive Dropkick

Recommended Match: Goku vs. Tsubasa (CMLL Japan 2/28/1999)

Personal Thoughts: Goku, on the surface, rules. He's a guy named Goku. For the first couple years of his career, he dressed like Goku. When you go beyond the surface though... he still kinda rules!! Goku's a perennial tag guy. I'm not saying this just because we almost exclusively have tape him in tags, but also because he's a lot better as a solid all-rounder getting to pop in and hit some cool moves than any time he's the focus of those matches for an extended period. Still, he's a solid wrestler (solid enough for Ultimo Dragon to crown him the winner of the 1st Young Dragon Cup in '94). Plus, the one singles match of his that we do have is his retirement apuestas against Tsubasa, and he put in a great performance there. Maybe there're a handful of Goku singles matches from Mexico that really blew the roof off the building. If anyone has any rare Goku footage, my DMs are open.

GIF Selection:

Pumphandle Reverse Piledriver
Rolling Solebutt
Swan Dive Dropkick
