El Hamachi

Other Names: Orochi, SHOGUN, Gran Hamachi

Real Name: ???

Debut: October 2000

Status: Passed Away in 2015

Theme Song: MALICE MIZER - Gardenia

Signature Moves: Top Rope Asai Moonsault, Corbata, Gannosuke Clutch

Recommended Match: El Hamachi vs. Daiyu Kawauchi (VAMOS 3/10/2001)

Personal Thoughts: Hamachi's story is one that hasn't been told in English as far as I know, but it should be. Hamachi grew up a fan of lucha libre, saving up money from part-time jobs before dropping out of high school and flying himself to Mexico at 17. He trained under luchadores like Espectro Jr. and Cadaver de Ultratumba and made connections with other Japanese luchadores in Mexico at the time such as Dragon Yuki, RANMA, and the members of LUCHA LIBRE JAPAN, becoming a member of the group himself. He debuted in October of that year as Orochi and wrestled under a mask until 2001, at which point he'd lose his mask in an apuestas and take on a visual kei gimmick. Earlier in the same year, Orochi would make his Japan debut, first working as SHOGUN on an SPWC show before appearing as El Hamachi on a VAMOS show. Orochi would continue to wrestle on the Mexican independents until being offered the chance to wrestle in AAA, where he would continue to work throughout 2002. There're no records of any of his AAA match(es), nor do there exist any records of his work as Orochi, but considering photos have been found from his time under the gimmick and lucha has always had many results lost to time, there's no reason to believe any of this is untrue. He would also be invited to wrestle as El Hamachi on a VAMOS show once more in 2002, which would mark his final recorded match before retiring at some point that year. Thirteen years later, Hamachi would unexpectedly return to professional wrestling as Gran Hamachi, joining SECRET BASE and debuting for the group in late 2015. Tragically, Hamachi would get injured in his return match, and would pass away that night from a cerebral hemorrhage. At this point in time, we only have two Hamachi matches on tape (both of which from only five months into his career), and however many matches he wrestled outside of Japan is unknown. However, from those two matches, Hamachi looked like a genuinely really fun wrestler, clearly talented at lucha libre and with an amazing amount of potential. Wrestlers like Masamune, Mototsugu Shimizu, Kagura, and others have all talked about their experiences with Hamachi and how great of a person he was. Hamachi's memory is kept alive to this day as the only permanent roster member of SECRET BASE.

GIF Selection:

Top Rope Asai Moonsault
Gannosuke Clutch
