Ryota Chikuzen

Other Names: SHIIBA, Makai #2

Real Name: Ryoji Shiiba

Debut: January 4th, 1998

Status: Active

Theme Song: Nelson - Won't Walk Away

Signature Moves: Tope de Cristo, Medio Crusado, Art Barr Press

Recommended Match: SHIIBA vs. Gran Naniwa (AJPW 5/20/2001)

Personal Thoughts: Not may people know about Chikuzen's lucha origins. Well, not many people know about Chikuzen in general, but if you do know him, there's a fair chance you didn't know he started in Mexico. In fact, Chikuzen debuted under the SHIIBA name in a tag against Mil Mascaras & Blue Demon Jr! While he worked a lot more under the Chikuzen name, I'm just going to talk about his work as SHIIBA considering the nature of the blog. SHIIBA's dope! He's a tall dude able to do really good juniors offense, and being a tall junior just gives you a natural advantage when it comes to how cool you look. He had the usual bit of roughness of the Los Kamikazes crew but he was a generally really fun worker. Definitely recommend checking out any of his work that you can find.

GIF Selection:

Tope de Cristo
Medio Crusado
Art Barr Press
