Shigeno Shima

Other Names: Masked Albirex

Real Name: Yukihiro Shigeno

Debut: 1999

Status: Active

Theme Song: Asia - The Heat Goes On

Signature Moves: Running Knee Lift, Kneel Kick, Railgun Driver

Recommended Match: Shigeno Shima vs. Martn Pain (Niigata Pro 7/22/2018)

Personal Thoughts: Shima is probably the least "lucha" of all the Japanese luchadores on the site, but still entirely fits the definition of one. Shima moved to Mexico in 1999 and trained under Viento Negro before debuting in the country that same year. He stayed in Mexico and kept wrestling until suffering a bad back injury in 2000, leading him to retire and return to Japan. It wouldn't be until 2011 that Shima would return to wrestling, starting his own local promotion named Niigata Pro and working as the fed's top star until some sort of coup in 2023 led to Shima leaving the promotion to join Kyushu Pro. Shima's a pretty solid worker, not particularly impressive compared to similar wrestlers but able to hold his own with great execution on some of his moves. He's a guy that I never actively seek out but I do appreciate his work whenever I see it.

GIF Selection:

Running Knee Lift
Kneel Kick
Railgun Driver
