Super Guapo MEX

Other Names: none

Real Name: ???

Debut: ???

Status: Active

Theme Song: Motorhead - Going To Mexico

Signature Moves: Crucifix, Sin Nombre, Maestro Lock

Recommended Match: Super Guapo MEX vs. Lucha Master Takemaru (Tamba Pro 2/27/2022)

Personal Thoughts: Super Guapo MEX is fascinating. The earliest match of his we have on record comes from 2017, and going into making his profile, I assumed he was a relatively new Japanese luchador. Oh, how wrong I was. Apparently, MEX moved to Mexico back in 1994, making connections with other Japanese trainees like Super Shisa and learning under an unknown luchador (Felino seems like the most likely answer for now). I wanted to believe this was just some sort of worked backstory, but MEX has posted numerous photos from his time in Mexico, and seemingly debuted as a wrestler there in the 90s. His career between then and now is a complete mystery, although we can safely assume he was working under a different name. For now, all we have is his latest work on the super low indies of Japan, and based on that work, I can only imagine how much of a revelation his work in his prime would be. MEX is really good at pretty much everything with a ton of awesome moves in his arsenal and a great mind for inventing llaves. Also, MEX wears rainbow light-up shoes which fucking rule. A solid amount of MEX matches are on YouTube so go check 'em out.

GIF Selection:

Sin Nombre
